I hate binding quilts. OK, I don't actually hate it because hate is such a strong word, but I don't enjoy the process - at all. It's fussy from start to finish and I really don't enjoy fussy. I never have enough fabric to bring around to the other side of the quilt, even though I cut my bindings 3 inches wide, rather than 2 1/2 inches wide. I mess up the corners. I mess up where the ends meet. I mess up continually and have to redo it. I would pay to have them done but it would cost me about $100 to bind an average size quilt and I can't justify that. So my quilts sit there. Quilted. Cut down. Ready to go. Sad.
This is the best binding video I've ever found and it still is an unpleasant task. And life is too short for such unnecessary unpleasant things.
If any of you have any other tips. please share! Cause my quilts are piling up, almost complete. Except for a binding.
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