So it snowed today. And snowed. And snowed. So I worked on the quilt I decided on last night, the quilt of the hoarded fabrics! But that doesn't sound nice, so I am calling it my Snowstorm Quilt. I got it all pieced and I am sending it out!!! yes, I am!! I am going to pay someone to quilt this for me. It is too big to wrestle on my Janome. It will get messed up, I will get a neck ache and a shoulder ache, and it is not worth the aggravation. I will pay to have it done right. I am good with that. If I want this to last a lifetime, it has to be done right, and I can't do a big quilt right. I am good up to about a lap quilt. After that, it is a big struggle. So...I am bringing it tomorrow.
And, Big News!! I am going to host a Beginner Modern Quilt Workshop on Feb 8th and 9th at my North Creek studio. You have to come with fabric and lunch - I will supply all else. We will make an easy quilt of your choice, or I can help you choose. I am going to work on getting some more experienced help, but I can help you make a lap quilt with a simple pattern and bring it home with you on Sunday.
There is lodging up here in North Creek, or you can come up each day. Saturday is 8AM to 4PM, or later if you want to play, and Sunday is 9AM to 4PM, or whenever you are done. Email me at if you are interested!!
And enjoy the snow, east coasters!!!
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