MacBook Sleeve or Case Tutorial

Hi all,
I made some i-pad cases for friends and I wanted to make some MacBooks we have in the family. My son and I have the MacBook from around 2008 and my daughter has one she bought last year. So this great tutorial taught me all about the sizes for an i-pad and the sleeves came out great! And so easy!!

But I needed the dimensions for a MacBook.

I searched the internet for about an hour before giving up and trying it myself. My first attempt was unsuccessful - I made a sleeve that would fit a larger PC, not a Macbook. On my second attempt, I hit paydirt!!! Voila!! It fit perfectly!!! Here are the sizes you need to make your own Macbook sleeve!! And it fits my daughter's newer MacBook pro too!!

Cut as follows: 
Batting - two pieces of 9.5 by 15 inches
Outer lining - two pieces 11 by 16.5 inches
Inner lining - two pieces 11 by 15.5 inches

Follow the above tutorial by One Pearl Button and you will have a fabulous MacBook cover, too!!
